Extenda GO – Connect allows you to integrate and import products and inventory from Extenda to Woocommerce and sync inventory across both systems.
This extension requires a Extenda account. If you do not have one, you can sign up for a free trial account here.


  1. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “Extendago Connect” and activate plugin
  3. Get a Arture license key here
  4. Ask your Extenda dealer for your Client ID and Secret
  5. Enter your credentials and save
  6. Add the cronjobs (scheduled tasks), available on the SETUP tab, on your hosting. Only if these are correct installed there will be a auto processing of data! What are cronjobs?
  1. Existing webshop with products ?
    1. Yes = Trigger the “Export” call on the SETUP tab for importing all products from Woocommerce to Extendago
    2. No = Trigger the “Import” call on the SETUP tab for importing all products from Extendago to Wooccommerce